Not being the same. At the peak of the alp the old fellow staying by him self. Few miles away from the town it is very pretty spot on the top of the cordillera, surrounded by maple,oak,olive,rosewood,teak and many more trees,creek, water falls and grand canyon. In the valley there is small sacred place. People gather every day for supplication. His job is to sell flowers to the visitors; .That’s how he makes his leaving in old age in remote region. Every year there is big festival in the valley for three days it is big gathering of people in thousands.Diffrent stalls of sweets, flowers, toys for children, music collection and all kind of verity. For the old man it is great fun to enjoy once in year and make some extra money selling those righteous leaves and some wild flowers. He is very well acquainted with the regular people who visit the valley. But it is very difficult in the festival to know who is who. The place was over crowded there was no space to breath. Many people come every year as part of their sanctimonious activity and for some it is great change with friends to visit the beautiful place, to enjoy the water fall, great greenery, stream, bird’s animals and more. Folk musicians to make money and entertain the crowd with songs and dance numbers. So over all the gathering is colorful.
This is the only access; the old man is having to his life stile. He has never been to school, never heard radio or watched TV. This is very strange thing in the world that in what age the worlds population is living, still not exposed to modern amenities. What one should expect from this man in his small world of villagers. What are his demands in his life? Is there any brain work involved? In the society he lives. Does it matter to him or any one is it important issue to think about, in today’s global society. What is span of life, just 100 years to live? Or one life to live which makes huge difference. In the modern world, it is very competitive, restless and successful. For last billions of years human being is evolving but still we are far behind. So how much is the difference between other creatures and the man lives in a small country side town? How it got messed up, only in some parts of the world, in few countries in particular rural area. Such a vast gap. How this gap should be reduced. Really one must give the serious thought to it. Every one has equal right to share and enjoy the essence of life. Especially if you talk about first world country they don’t have such problems. Each fellowman of the country is literate. Accept the older generation of third world and the younger generation of poor people of the world, since they can’t effort to educate them. Because of lack of literacy they miss the opportunity to learn about beautiful things around them. Some time it confueges that was good and what is bad. The old generation is good or modern. May be each has its drawback as well plus points. But still we can’t stop our selves what ever we are doing because time is running out. One has to keep up with the society.
The man is not mixed up with the society. His requirements are just simple and little. He doesn’t need soap, tooth brush, pest or any other cosmetics. Simply he wants bread for a day. Does he want bungalow, car, and good cloths? No he would not enjoy that. It is very easy for him to make living on selling some tree leaves and flowers. Above all he is happy. Now where the urban population is leading them selves. Too much work load, more financial support, luxury life stile and every thing in life what ever they could achieve.Mostely people have every thing but they are not happy. So who is in good situation the villager or the urban man? Do we need to balance the things what ever it is good from each side has to be taken under consideration, and make a unique formula to live life? The whole society is getting exploited by class of community so called few corporate on global chart. Few international brands they are forcing there brands to eat, play, ware and every thing. For their interest of profit rest of the hole community has to purchase their produce and product, there is no other choice you can go for something elase.Now here the game starts, the format of the society in which we live. My neighbor is having this and that so I am suppose to have that. My friend is having that so I should have that. These kinds of thoughts are generated in the society. To have luxury life stile is not a bad thing but up to what extant. How much comfort the mountain man is having.
Under the name of modernization where we are heading. Going against the nature, global warming is creation of modern man. Now every citizen of the world has to take action on this problem. Already the icebergs on north and south poll have started melting. It is going to raise the sea level and the cities and town on costal area are going to sink. So this is time to control every thing other wise the planate will go under water. Who is most responsible for it? More industries, more motor vecails the amount of fuel burning is more co2 has been added to the environment. The weather is getting imbalanced. For last many centuries the first world countries for there own interest and productivity, establishing industries. Who is going to stop them? Now days the concept of globalization and free economy, spreading very fast business chain, cultural exchange and many more different thing. Because of this the third world countries are contributing to pollution.
So it is time to balance every thing all the differences in the society, rich and poor, black and white, Hindu and Muslim or Christian,
Gap has to be reduced, it is better to respect each other, and humanity should be the first preference of every citizen of this planate. Still it is going to help to live the peace full life not being the same.
Vedang Dharashive.
This is the only access; the old man is having to his life stile. He has never been to school, never heard radio or watched TV. This is very strange thing in the world that in what age the worlds population is living, still not exposed to modern amenities. What one should expect from this man in his small world of villagers. What are his demands in his life? Is there any brain work involved? In the society he lives. Does it matter to him or any one is it important issue to think about, in today’s global society. What is span of life, just 100 years to live? Or one life to live which makes huge difference. In the modern world, it is very competitive, restless and successful. For last billions of years human being is evolving but still we are far behind. So how much is the difference between other creatures and the man lives in a small country side town? How it got messed up, only in some parts of the world, in few countries in particular rural area. Such a vast gap. How this gap should be reduced. Really one must give the serious thought to it. Every one has equal right to share and enjoy the essence of life. Especially if you talk about first world country they don’t have such problems. Each fellowman of the country is literate. Accept the older generation of third world and the younger generation of poor people of the world, since they can’t effort to educate them. Because of lack of literacy they miss the opportunity to learn about beautiful things around them. Some time it confueges that was good and what is bad. The old generation is good or modern. May be each has its drawback as well plus points. But still we can’t stop our selves what ever we are doing because time is running out. One has to keep up with the society.
The man is not mixed up with the society. His requirements are just simple and little. He doesn’t need soap, tooth brush, pest or any other cosmetics. Simply he wants bread for a day. Does he want bungalow, car, and good cloths? No he would not enjoy that. It is very easy for him to make living on selling some tree leaves and flowers. Above all he is happy. Now where the urban population is leading them selves. Too much work load, more financial support, luxury life stile and every thing in life what ever they could achieve.Mostely people have every thing but they are not happy. So who is in good situation the villager or the urban man? Do we need to balance the things what ever it is good from each side has to be taken under consideration, and make a unique formula to live life? The whole society is getting exploited by class of community so called few corporate on global chart. Few international brands they are forcing there brands to eat, play, ware and every thing. For their interest of profit rest of the hole community has to purchase their produce and product, there is no other choice you can go for something elase.Now here the game starts, the format of the society in which we live. My neighbor is having this and that so I am suppose to have that. My friend is having that so I should have that. These kinds of thoughts are generated in the society. To have luxury life stile is not a bad thing but up to what extant. How much comfort the mountain man is having.
Under the name of modernization where we are heading. Going against the nature, global warming is creation of modern man. Now every citizen of the world has to take action on this problem. Already the icebergs on north and south poll have started melting. It is going to raise the sea level and the cities and town on costal area are going to sink. So this is time to control every thing other wise the planate will go under water. Who is most responsible for it? More industries, more motor vecails the amount of fuel burning is more co2 has been added to the environment. The weather is getting imbalanced. For last many centuries the first world countries for there own interest and productivity, establishing industries. Who is going to stop them? Now days the concept of globalization and free economy, spreading very fast business chain, cultural exchange and many more different thing. Because of this the third world countries are contributing to pollution.
So it is time to balance every thing all the differences in the society, rich and poor, black and white, Hindu and Muslim or Christian,
Gap has to be reduced, it is better to respect each other, and humanity should be the first preference of every citizen of this planate. Still it is going to help to live the peace full life not being the same.
Vedang Dharashive.
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